Plastic Float

Short Description – Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada

SKU: Plastic Float Categories: ,


Polyurethane Plastering Float differs itself from old products, by overcoming the shortcomings such as heavy, inconvenient to carry and use, easy worn and easy corrosion, etc. The greatest strengths of Polyurethane Plastering Float are light weight, strong strength, abrasion resistance, corrosion resistance, anti-moth, and low temperature resistance, etc. With higher performance than polyester, glass fiber reinforced plastic and plastics, Polyurethane Plastering Float is a good substitution of similar products made of wood or iron.

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5.5" x 11", 5" x 9.5", 7" x 12.5", 8" x 14"


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